Engaging Stakeholders

The goal of the Stakeholder Engagement Core is to maximize the relevance and impact of research on deprescribing by engaging a range of stakeholders and community partners.  A guiding principle is to involve stakeholders and community partners both with the research itself and in developing culturally-centered messages to address community concerns and misconceptions about deprescribing. To enhance this goal, the network has convened a Stakeholder Engagement Council to facilite connections between investigators and stakeholders for network-supported research and through stakeholder-facing messaging.

Stakeholder Engagement Council

The Stakeholder Engagement Council is comprised of stakeholders who represent patient, family, and various organizational perspectives. Members serve staggered terms to provide continuity over the 5-year study period. The goal of the council is to bring stakeholder insights to network-supported research, to maximize the relevance of this research to stakeholders, and to help disseminate network activities and findings to a range of stakeholder communities. This is achieved through group work and by having individual council members participate in specific network activities such as contributing feedback to the annual call for pilot proposals, reviewing progress of funded research proposals and providing feedback on next steps (e.g., reviewing presentations and suggesting potential collaborators), identifying potential community partners for network investigators, and  linking investigators with those partners. Individual council members participate in other activities, including helping to review pilot proposals and helping plan the annual meeting.

Community Engagement in Network-Funded Research Projects

Network-funded pilot studies and Working Groups will each involve at least one patient representative as a consultant or member of an advisory panel, or in some cases as a full-fledged member of the research team. To support this process, the network can help investigators identify stakeholders for their projects and learn to work with them.

We provide training in community partnered research for each network-funded PI including telephone consultation with core leadership to strategize how to work with stakeholders in her or his research and to help identify and connect the project with appropriate community partners. Where appropriate, core leaders connect investigators with community partners in the L.A. CAPRA and PATIENTS programs in greater Los Angeles and/or Baltimore to provide culturally relevant expertise at long distance (by videoconference). 

Read our Stakeholder Engagement FAQ.

Lay Summaries of Ongoing Research  

Geriatricians, internists, and cardiologists surveyed about deprescribing

Research Summary:   English    Spanish 

Are you interested in serving as a stakeholder on the Stakeholder Engagement Council or for a specific research project?

Sign up here  to receive information as it becomes available.

Information for patients and caregivers interested in improving their own medications:

Visit our For Patients” page for resources.

Other resources related to stakeholder engagement in research:

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