Pharmacist-led telehealth deprescribing for people living with dementia and polypharmacy in primary care: A pilot study
Green AR, Quiles R, Daddato AE, Merrey J, Weffald L, Gleason K, Xue QL, Swarthout M, Feeser S, Boyd CM, Wolff JL, Blinka MD, Libby

Developing a PRogram to Educate and Sensitize Caregivers to Reduce the Inappropriate Prescription Burden in the Elderly with Alzheimer’s Disease (D-PRESCRIBE-AD): Trial protocol and rationale of an open-label pragmatic, prospective randomized controlled trial
Singh S, Cocoros NM, Li X, Mazor KM, Antonelli MT, Parlett L, Paullin M, Harkins TP, Zhou Y, Rochon PA, Platt R, Dashevsky I, Massino

Older adults’ attitudes towards deprescribing and medication changes: a longitudinal sub-study of a cluster randomized controlled trial
Jungo KT, Weir KR, Cateau D, Streit S. Older adults’ attitudes towards deprescribing and medication changes: a longitudinal sub-study of a cluster randomised controlled trial.

Evaluation of a benzodiazepine deprescribing quality improvement initiative for older adults in primary care
Chae S, Lee E, Lindenberg J, Shen K, Anderson TS. Evaluation of a benzodiazepine deprescribing quality improvement initiative for older adults in primary care. J

Factors Important to Older Adults Who Disagree With a Deprescribing Recommendation
Weir KR, Shang J, Choi J, Rana R, Vordenberg SE. Factors Important to Older Adults Who Disagree With a Deprescribing Recommendation. JAMA Netw Open. 2023

Ethical Aspects of Physician Decision-Making for Deprescribing Among Older Adults With Dementia
Norton JD, Zeng C, Bayliss EA, Shetterly SM, Williams N, Reeve E, Wynia MK, Green AR, Drace ML, Gleason KS, Sheehan OC, Boyd CM. Ethical