Laura Trejo, MSG, MPA

General Manager, City of Los Angeles Department of Aging

Ms. Trejo was the first Latina appointed to level of General Manager for the City of Los Angeles. She is responsible for the overall administration of the Los Angeles Department of Aging serving one of the largest and most diverse concentrations of older persons in the U.S.  She serves as technical and policy advisor to the Mayor and City Council; and represents the City of Los Angeles before the public, community and private groups on matters affecting senior citizen affairs.  In her previous post, Ms. Trejo served as the first District Chief for countywide older adult mental health for Los Angeles County. 

She is currently the City’s lead for Purposeful Aging L.A. an age-friendly initiative “to make the Los Angeles region the most age friendly in the world.”  Among her other activities, Ms. Trejo serves as a founding Co-Director/Investigator of the UCLA Los Angeles Community Academic Partnership for Research in Aging (LA CAPRA), Interim Director of the Los Angeles Foundation on Aging, and Executive Producer of Aging Well in L.A. an Emmy nominated magazine style public television program.  Nationally, Ms. Trejo is active on the American Society on Aging where she served as founding chair of the Mental Health and Aging Network and currently serves on the Aging Today Editorial Advisory Committee; the National Association of Area Agencies on Aging’s Mission Forward Committee; and has served on the boards of the Alzheimer’s Association and National Council on Aging.  Ms. Trejo was a founding member of the national Alzheimer’s Advisory Council.  She also currently serves on the boards of the Los Angeles Workforce Investment Board, the California Association of Area Agencies on Aging and National Health Foundation.

Ms. Trejo is a gerontologist with a Master of Science in Gerontology, Master of Public Administration and Graduate Certificate in Long Term Care Administration all from the University of Southern California.  She consults and trains extensively throughout the United States on the development of programs for the elderly with an emphasis on cultural competence. She works with individual countries and international organizations to develop initiatives and programs in the areas of aging, mental health, health, Alzheimer’s and rehabilitation.  Her work has been published in professional journals and newsletters, book chapters, and major reports.

Ms. Trejo’s commitment to excellence have earned national recognition, most noteworthy is the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation’s Community Health Leadership award, considered the nation’s highest honor in community health leadership.   Los Angeles Magazine named her among the “50 Most Influential Women” and the United States Library of Congress has recognized Ms. Trejo’s accomplishments as a force for social change.

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