Application to form a Special Interest Group

The US Deprescribing Research Network seeks applicants to form special interest groups (SIGs) in order to encourage networking and collaboration on specific projects.

These member-led SIGs should:

  • Be centered around a product (e.g., submitting symposia for presentation at a national meeting, a paper, etc.)
  • Have a structure with a defined leader
  • Be open to all and inclusive as possible in the product(s) (keeping criteria for authorship according to the ICJME in mind)

Once a SIG is established, different products and leaders may evolve, but when starting it is important to have a clear idea of at least one initial product that the SIG will work together to develop and who will help lead these efforts.

If you wish to apply to form a SIG, please see the instructions below.

Application (Required, up to 250 words for each of 3 sections): Please describe:

  • The deliverable product(s) and timeframe.
  • How you will identify and recruit people of similar interest to join.
  • The SIG’s structure, including the leader(s). If more than 1 leader, please describe the plan for multiple leaders to work together. Trainees may be leaders, although in this case a senior advisor is strongly recommended.

NIH-style Biosketch(es) or brief biography of the proposed leader(s) that provides evidence of ability to lead the group.

Applications should be submitted by emailing a single PDF to [email protected]

Applications are reviewed on a rolling basis. If you are in need of seed funding for a specific aspect of the SIG, please email us at [email protected]

If you are considering forming a SIG, we encourage you to email us to let us know your intentions or inquiries prior to submitting an application at [email protected]

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