The network funds pilot and exploratory studies, and small collaboration grants. The goals of these grant programs are to support early-stage research in deprescribing that has high potential to develop into future large projects, to catalyze research in areas that are of particular importance to the field, to support junior investigator development, and to promote collaborations that will lead to future research projects.
Pilot Awards
Pilot Award
The pilot award supports research related to deprescribing that provides key preliminary data, proof of concept, or developmental work that offers a clear pathway to future, larger-scale studies and career development for the investigators involved. This award is geared primarily, but not exclusively, toward junior investigators. All topics related to deprescribing in older adults are welcome. Proposals should have a plan for engaging stakeholders in the research process; the network can guide interested investigators on strategies to achieve this (see the RFA for details). Use of other network resources are welcomed although not required.
Pilot awards are for 1 year with a maximum budget of $30,000 in direct costs (and no more than $50,000 in combined direct and indirect costs). Exceptions on duration and budget may be granted for exceptional circumstances. Pilot award proposals undergo a two-stage review process, beginning with a letter of intent, after which selected investigators will be invited to submit full proposals. Reviews will incorporate an abbreviated, NIH-style review process that includes input from stakeholder representatives. Proposals will be judged on innovation, scientific rigor, feasibility, investigators and environment, potential to lead to future larger-scale work, stakeholder engagement, and relevance to priority areas and aging.
For more information, including instructions on how to apply, see the Request for Application (RFA).
The network anticipates funding approximately 2 to 3 awards each year.
Sample Documents and Resources:
USDeN Pilot Awards
Timeline for applications
Request for applications released
September 2024
Webinar for applicants
(optional but encouraged)
A new webinar explaining the application process will be held on October 15, 2024.
In the interim, this presentation from an earlier version of the RFA for pilot awards may be useful, but please recognize that there will be some changes with the updated RFA.
October 15, 2024 | 2PM ET / 11AM PT
Presenter(s): Drs. Mixon and Simmons
Letter of intent
November 12, 2024
Invitation sent to submit full application (due to LOI review)
November 26, 2024 (or earlier)
Full application due
January 31, 2025
Awards announced
March – April 2025
Beginning of funding for selected awards (anticipated)
May – June 2025
Collaboration Awards
Collaboration awards comprise small grants (generally in the range of $500 – $5000) to incubate topic- and site-specific collaborative efforts. Examples of potential awards include a grant to convene a mini-summit for investigators in a geographic area who might be interested in collaborating on deprescribing research, or seed funding for a geographically dispersed group of investigators who were interested in collaborating around an area of common interest. Applications will comprise a brief proposal and budget justification.
If you are thinking about applying, please contact us at [email protected] before submitting an application.
Timeline: Applications are reviewed on a rolling basis.