James Deardorff, MD

Junior Investigator Intensive Program Scholar

San Francisco, California

Assistant Professor Division of Geriatrics

University of California San Francisco

Through his USDeN connections, Dr. Deardorff has collaborated with deprescribing research colleagues, which he believes “helped me to better clarify my research question and expand my knowledge of medication-related research methods.”  One of the best pearls of wisdom he has gained as a participant in our Junior Investigator Intensive Program is that “The best research questions come from your own clinical experience (e.g., something that frustrates you about clinical care).”  

Beyond researching deprescribing, as a geriatrician, he personally encounters patients on a lot of medications “that are oftentimes unnecessary and potentially harmful”, he says, adding that “deprescribing decreases the risk of dangerous side effects and can improve a patient’s quality of life.”  Moreover, Dr. Deardorff states, “I’ve had several patients come to me worried about side effects from medications or feel that they are taking too many medications. They often feel hesitant to stop medications because they were recommended by another doctor. It is rewarding to be able to look through a medication list, identify potentially unnecessary medications, and work with patients on discontinuing these.” 

Dr. Deardorff became a geriatrician because medicine allows him to help others in a way that is intellectually challenging and personally fulfilling, and one of his greatest joys in medicine is working with collaborative teams to help patients improve their quality of life and reach their goals.

Recent Research

Medication misuse and overuse in community-dwelling persons with dementia


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