The US Deprescribing Research Network (USDeN) seeks applicants for its Junior Investigator Intensive Program in Deprescribing Research. The program will create a cohort of emerging leaders who are committed to pursuing research training and collaborative opportunities related to deprescribing. Current and Past Junior Investigator Intensive Scholars »
The application period is closed for the 2023-2024 cycle.
Key Dates
Applications Due: February 15, 2023 at 11:59 pm ET
Selected Investigators Notified: Mid March 2023
What is deprescribing research and why is it important?
There is increasing recognition that use of some medication, especially as people get older or more ill, can cause more harm than good. Optimizing medication through targeted deprescribing is a vital part of managing chronic conditions, avoiding adverse effects and improving outcomes. The goals of deprescribing include reducing medication burden and maintaining or improving quality of life. Yet, there is a dearth of strong research evidence to guide clinical practice and inform shared clinical decision-making relevant to deprescribing.
What is the Junior Investigator Intensive Program?
The program has 3 main components:
1. Scholars will attend a special additional workshop at the US Deprescribing Research Network Annual Meeting that is focused on career development, networking, and collaborative research opportunities for early-stage investigators interested in deprescribing.
2. Scholars will attend monthly “work-in-progress” meetings, a core curriculum, and other activities over the year that offer a mix of opportunities to get feedback on your research from colleagues and senior researchers and discussion of collaborative research projects in which scholars can participate (and help lead).
3. Scholars will have access to other aspects of the US Deprescribing Research Network such as attendance at webinars, consultations, and a variety of other resources. Scholars will be expected to attend the USDeN Annual Meeting and most of the monthly web-based meetings during the year.
Benefits of participation in the Junior Investigator Intensive
· Access to core resources and expertise of the US Deprescribing Research Network
· Get feedback on your research at virtual works-in-progress webinars and participate in collaborative research projects
· Attendance at the US Deprescribing Research Network Annual Meeting Session focused on Junior Investigators.
· Networking with both senior and junior colleagues interested in deprescribing for older adults
Who should apply to the Junior Investigator Intensive?
· MD, PhD, PharmD or equivalent degree (e.g., DO, DPT)
· Evidence of commitment to research in a field relevant to deprescribing
· People who have the time and interest to commit to the above-described activities
· The intended audience is early-stage faculty and qualified fellows/trainees/doctoral students or people in equivalent positions. While applications from other qualified people are also welcome, preference will be given to applicants who are in earlier stages of a research-focused career (e.g., up to 5 years in a research-oriented faculty position, not yet received an R01 or tenure).
· People outside the U.S. are welcome to apply
· Prospective applicants may apply to the USDeN Junior Investigator Intensive program and/or, separately, the USDeN Pilot Grant program. Individuals are permitted to receive both, and applications to either program do not affect consideration for the other.
How do I apply for the Junior Investigator Intensive Program?
Applications should be submitted online via the web form by clicking the button below.
· Career Plan (Required, up to 250 words for each of 3 sections): Please describe 1) your reasons for pursuing this opportunity; 2) your background and prior experiences that prepare you for a program in deprescribing research; 3) how the program will facilitate your research and career development goals.
· Updated NIH-Style Biosketch (Required): We recognize that applicants are still early in their careers and often will not yet have made extensive contributions to the scientific literature or received external funding for research. Please use the NIH Format to submit your biosketch.
· Mentor Letter (Required): Letter of support from a faculty mentor (1 page maximum). This letter should address why this program would be beneficial to your career development or, for later stage investigators, how this will help with your current career goals. Mentors are encouraged to be participants in USDeN activities.
· Abstract (Optional, 300 words): Please include a scientific abstract up to 300 words, including sections on introduction/background, methods, results, and conclusions. This may include prior or ongoing work you have done on a topic broadly related to deprescribing, or plans for a deprescribing-related project you would be interested in pursuing during your time in the JII program. If you are describing ongoing or future work that does not yet have results, feel free to omit the results section. Please note that your abstract does not need to directly address deprescribing, but can address related topics such as medication use, attitudes toward care, health system redesign for older adults, or any number of other topics
We encourage applications from trainees, early stage investigators, and individuals from groups under-represented in research careers (e.g., women, ethnic/racial minorities, people with disabilities).
What should I do if I have additional questions?
Inquiries can be made to [email protected]