Agenda: USDeN Virtual Meeting (all times Eastern)
12:00 PM-12:15 PM
Welcome Address
Cynthia Boyd, MD, MPH and Michael Steinman, MD
Co-PIs, US Deprescribing Research Network
12:15 PM-1:00 PM
Keynote Address:
“Is it time to reimagine deprescribing research?”
Cara Tannenbaum, MD, MSc
Director, Canadian Deprescribing Network and Scientific Director, Institute for Gender and Health, Canadian Institutes of Health Research
1:00-1:45 PM
Small Group Breakouts
1:45-2:15 PM
2:15-3:00 PM
Updates in Deprescribing Research
Amy Linsky, MD, MSc
Assistant Professor of Medicine, Boston University and the VA Boston Healthcare System
Kristin Zimmerman, PharmD
Associate Professor of Pharmacy, Virginia Commonwealth University
3:00-3:20 PM
Updates in Deprescribing Funding Opportunities
Marcel Salive, MD, MPH
Project Officer, National Institute on Aging
3:20-3:30 PM
Closing Remarks
Cynthia Boyd, MD, MPH and Michael Steinman, MD