RCCN Webinar: NIH/NIA Grant Review Process

Presenter: Ramona Dumitrescu, Section Chief, Clinical Sciences Section, NIA Scientific Review Branch

May 24, 2024 

This webinar discussed the K award review process, including an overview of peer review and information on how grants are scored. The presentation also touched on how the review process has changed in recent years and may be particularly helpful to mentors supporting new applicants.

Organized by the Research Centers Collaborative Network (RCCN) in partnership with the National Institute on Aging (NIA). Co-sponsored by the Clin-STAR Coordinating CenterUS Deprescribing Research NetworkClaude D. Pepper Older Americans Independence Centers (OAIC) Coordinating CenterNational Alzheimer’s Coordinating CenterThe HCSRN-OAICs AGING Initiative, and Nathan Shock Center Coordinating Center.


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