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RCCN Webinar: Stories of Successful K Awards

Speakers: Nicholas Chavkin, Lauren Ferrante, Abbi Hernandez, & Lauren Hunt

July 18, 2024 

Current and previous K awardees will share their experiences of applying and being funded. This webinar aims to be a useful resource for prospective applicants and their mentors to gain insight into the process, and to ask questions of awardees about their journey to receiving a K award.

Organized by the Research Centers Collaborative Network (RCCN) in partnership with the National Institute on Aging (NIA). Co-sponsored by the Clin-STAR Coordinating CenterUS Deprescribing Research NetworkClaude D. Pepper Older Americans Independence Centers (OAIC) Coordinating CenterNational Alzheimer’s Coordinating CenterThe HCSRN-OAICs AGING Initiative, and Nathan Shock Center Coordinating Center.

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